Gathering Stakeholder Input: U of L Food Services
enriching the selection process of a new food and beverage provider at the university


In 2012 the Positive Culture Company was approached by Jim Booth to help him with a specific portion of a project he was running for the University of Lethbridge.  Mr. Booth's big picture plan was to enrich the selection process of a new food and beverage provider at the university with the goal of improving the food services experience for staff, faculty and students.


What Mr. Booth had in mind was stakeholder engagement, really listening to the voices of those who were using the services.  What he could foresee was a robust and quality decision being made about the future of food services at the University of Lethbridge using harvested information from the stakeholders themselves.


He imagined needing some help to achieve that goal, needing a company who specialized in engagement, a company who would get honest answers and innovative ideas from stakeholders, who could make people feel comfortable to explore new thinking and move past negativity.




Mr. Booth found us, Positive Culture Company and together we custom designed an approach to stakeholder engagement that helped him realize his goal. We enlisted our skills as Graphic Facilitators (meaning we use graphics to help people think and make decisions together) to communicate people's ideas across the levels of the ultimate process.


To get the dialogue going, we used an innovative and reliable methodology for encouraging great conversation: the World Cafe rotating conversation process (more info at  Our signature at Positive Culture Company is our use of graphics and visual language to communicate ideas.  We are facilitators and artists and we bolster the facilitation process with graphic interpretations to help us deliver outstanding results.









Robert and Laurie Benn, "the Benn's"
and Melanie David

Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada


copyright 1998 to present




Positive Culture Company

Robert and Laurie Benn,
"the Benn's"
Melanie David

Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada


copyright 1998 to present
